Sports Injuries: Common Foot and Ankle Injuries Among Athletes and Prevention Strategies

Sports Injuries:

Common Foot and Ankle Injuries Among Athletes and Prevention Strategies

Dr. Steven Hoffman, Podiatrist at LBU


Sports injuries are an unfortunate reality that many athletes face during their career. Among the various areas of the body prone to injury, the foot and ankle are particularly vulnerable due to the high levels of stress and impact they endure during athletic activities.

Here are some common foot and ankle injuries such as sprains, fractures, Achilles tendonitis, and stress fractures. Additionally, we will explore prevention strategies and rehabilitation techniques to help athletes recover and prevent future injuries.

Ankle Sprains

Ankle sprains are one of the most prevalent foot and ankle injuries among athletes. They occur when the ligaments surrounding the ankle are stretched or torn due to sudden movements or excessive force. Common causes include landing improperly after a jump, sudden changes in direction, or collisions with other players.


Athletes can reduce the risk of ankle sprains by incorporating balance and proprioception exercises into their training routine. Wearing proper footwear with ankle support and using ankle braces during high-risk activities can also provide added stability.


Rehabilitation for ankle sprains involves the RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) protocol, followed by exercises to regain strength, flexibility, and range of motion. Physical therapy may be recommended to aid in the recovery process.


Fractures in the foot and ankle can result from high-impact collisions, falls, or repetitive stress on the bones. Stress fractures, specifically, are common in athletes who participate in activities with repetitive motions, such as running or jumping. These injuries often manifest as pain, swelling, and difficulty bearing weight.


Athletes can prevent fractures by wearing appropriate footwear that provides adequate support and cushioning. Ensuring proper technique during sports activities, gradually increasing training intensity, and incorporating rest days into their training schedule are crucial for preventing overuse injuries like stress fractures.


Treatment for fractures typically involves immobilization, either through the use of casts or boots, to allow the bones to heal. Physical therapy is often necessary to regain strength and mobility in the affected area.

Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles tendonitis occurs when the Achilles tendon, which connects the calf muscles to the heel bone, becomes inflamed due to repetitive strain. Athletes who participate in sports that involve running, jumping, or sudden accelerations are more susceptible to this injury. Symptoms include pain, swelling, and stiffness in the back of the ankle.


Athletes can minimize the risk of Achilles tendonitis by gradually increasing the intensity and duration of their activities. Proper warm-up exercises, stretching the calf muscles, and wearing supportive shoes with adequate heel cushioning are essential preventive measures.


Treatment for Achilles tendonitis often includes a combination of rest, ice, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to reduce inflammation. Physical therapy plays a crucial role in strengthening the calf muscles, improving flexibility, and gradually reintroducing activities.

Foot and ankle injuries are common among athletes, but with the right prevention strategies and rehabilitation techniques, athletes can minimize the risk of injury and optimize their recovery. By incorporating appropriate warm-up routines, wearing supportive footwear, and listening to their bodies, athletes can maintain their performance levels while reducing the chances of foot and ankle injuries. If an injury does occur, seeking prompt medical attention and following a comprehensive rehabilitation plan will facilitate a safe return to sports activities. Remember, taking care of your feet and ankles is vital for long-term athletic success and overall well-being.


To understand your feet a little better, make an appointment with our podiatry department by calling (214) 540-0300.

Seguridad solar: cómo proteger su piel de los dañinos rayos UV

A medida que el clima comienza a calentarse y el sol brilla más, es importante recordar proteger su piel de los dañinos rayos UV. La exposición al sol puede causar una variedad de problemas en la piel, que incluyen quemaduras solares, envejecimiento prematuro y un mayor riesgo de cáncer de piel. En este blog, discutiremos la importancia de la protección solar y brindaremos consejos sobre cómo proteger su piel del sol.

¿Por qué es importante la protección solar?

La protección solar es importante por varias razones. En primer lugar, los rayos UV pueden causar quemaduras solares, que pueden ser dolorosas y dañar la piel a largo plazo. Las quemaduras solares también aumentan el riesgo de desarrollar cáncer de piel. En segundo lugar, los rayos UV pueden causar envejecimiento prematuro, incluidas arrugas, líneas finas y manchas de la edad. Por último, la exposición prolongada al sol también puede causar daños en los ojos y aumentar el riesgo de desarrollar cataratas.

Cómo proteger tu piel del sol


1. Use ropa protectora

Una de las mejores maneras de proteger su piel del sol es usar ropa protectora. Esto incluye camisas de manga larga, sombreros de ala ancha y anteojos de sol con protección UV. La ropa de colores oscuros con un tejido apretado también puede brindar protección adicional.

2. Aplicar protector solar

Otra forma importante de proteger su piel es aplicar protector solar. Elija un protector solar de amplio espectro con un SPF de al menos 30 y aplíquelo generosamente en toda la piel expuesta. Asegúrese de volver a aplicar cada dos horas, o con más frecuencia si está sudando o nadando.

3. Busca la sombra

Cuando sea posible, busque la sombra para evitar la exposición directa al sol durante las horas pico de 10 am a 4 pm. Si está al aire libre, busque un área sombreada o traiga una sombrilla para brindar sombra.

4. Mantente hidratado

Beber suficiente agua también puede ayudar a proteger su piel del daño solar. La deshidratación puede hacer que tu piel sea más susceptible al daño, así que asegúrate de beber mucha agua durante el día.

5. Evita el sol

Evite el sol entre las 11 a. m. y las 3 p. m.

6. Revisa tu piel regularmente

El control regular de la piel en busca de cambios o anomalías es importante para detectar el cáncer de piel a tiempo. Si nota algún cambio en su piel, como lunares nuevos o cambios en los lunares existentes, consulte a un dermatólogo.

En conclusión, proteger tu piel del sol es crucial para una buena salud. Use ropa protectora, aplique protector solar, busque la sombra, manténgase hidratado y revise su piel regularmente para detectar cualquier anomalía. Siguiendo estos consejos, puede disfrutar del sol de forma segura y mantener una piel sana y hermosa en los años venideros.